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Picture of puzzle pieces - Mountain Light, Inc.
Mountain Light, Inc.
Mountain Light, Inc.

Our Client Base

Behavior Consulting Services

We provide Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA, BCBA-D) supervised behavior consultation to the following type of agencies, including:

  • Foster Family Agencies (FFA)
  • Family Home Agencies (FHA)
  • Licensed Group Homes
  • Adult Residential Facilities
  • Small Family Homes
  • Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly
  • Behavioral Day Programs
  • Consumers, Families and Caregivers for individuals with developmental disabilities


Examples of our satisfied clients include:

  • A behavioral day program where we simplified and standardized behavioral data collection and provide on-going weekly staff training in behavioral strategies and principles.
  • A FFA/FHA agency needing behavioral visits to vendored agency homes to provide caregiver training and behavioral support for residents.  
  • A licensee unfamiliar with the Regional Center requirements for developing a program design that meets standards for getting approved by licensing and regional center to provide Level 4 services.
  • An administrator and licensee of a small family home expanding their services to include an adult residential facility, a residential care facility for the elderly and a behavioral day program.
  • A licensed residential home changing their program design to meet the requirements of a higher service level.
  • A parent learning to meet the needs of their child with autism.
  • A Regional Center that needs high quality behavior assessments for adolescents and adults and associated in-home parent/staff training to support the consumer's needs.

Why no website testimonials?

As Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), we abide by its code and ethics as established by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.  Behavior analysts do not solicit or use testimonials about behavior-analytic services from current clients for publication on their webpages or in any other electronic or print material. Testimonials from former clients must identify whether they were solicited or unsolicited, include an accurate statement of the relationship between the behavior analyst and the author of the testimonial, and comply with all applicable laws about claims made in the testimonial.


As such, we have chosen not to provide testimonials on our website.  References are available on request.


News & Events

RBT, BCaBA and BCBA Employment 



We currently have part-time openings for RBT, BCaBA and BCBA professionals in the San Fernando Valley, Antelope Valley, Westside and Harbor areas of Los Angeles County.

More information.

Congratulations Dr. Cathy Lichtenberger!


Dr. Lichtenberger earned her EdD in Education with an emphasis in special education and a minor in applied behavior analysis from Nova Southeastern University.


Invited Keynote Addresses


Dr. Cathy Lichtenberger and Phil Lichtenberger gave invited keynote speaker addresses at the 2016 Intgernational Symposium on the Fusion of Science and Technology In New Delhi, India. 

Contact Us or Make an Appointment

For answers to your questions or to schedule an appointment, please



The appropriate person will get back to you as soon as possible. 


If you know the cell phone number or email address of the person you want to speak to, please call or email them directly.


Mountain Light Corporate Consulting

If you were looking for Mountain Light corporate consulting services with a focus on:

  • Organizational Behavior Management (OBM)
  • Technology Innovation and Commercialization
  • Business Development
  • Corporate Planning and Management
  • Intellectual Property (IP) Development, Management & Protection
  • Independent Board Members
  • Finance and Accounting


 please visit our sister website www.mountainlight.consulting

BCBA® is a registered trademark of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

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